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A common question following a loss due to death is regarding the person’s possessions.

When is the right time to part with these?

It is closely followed by a second question: What do I do with these items?  

These are not incidental questions.  Every possession remains a point of connection to one who was loved and who is still loved. Holding onto things remains a way of keeping them close. The when and how of parting with these important items deserves deliberate consideration. There are no rules for how long and the best answer is simply, when the time feels right for you. You will know.

The second question is no less important.  One consideration is to pass forward these important items so that good can come from them.  When we can benefit others from our loss, we give purpose to our loss.  The good that was this life is honored and passed forward to continue that good.  To help in this grief process, we offer the following for your consideration:

Hosparus Health Thrift Shoppes

Located in Campbellsville and Elizabethtown

Many are surprised to learn that we have thrift stores in Campbellsville and Elizabethtown. Proceeds from donated items stay within their local communities and support Hosparus Health programs, patients and their families who receive our services.  Information regarding location, hours, and making donations can be found on our website, Facebook pages: Hosparus Health Thrift Shoppe Campbellsville and Hosparus Health Thrift Shoppe Elizabethtown.

We are aware that donated items have special significance.  Be assured they will be treated with care, respect, and gratitude.


When it comes to grief, one size does not fit all.  And that is also true of shoes!

In addition to our Thrift Shoppes, we are partnered with WaterStep, a local charity that collects gently used shoes to support life-saving water projects around the globe, including in the United States.  Just 3 pairs of shoes provide safe water for 1 person for life.  In addition, donated shoes provide micro-business opportunities for people in the developing world, giving them a way to support their families while boosting economic growth in their communities. Shoes also provide affordable footwear for people who now have increased protection from disease.  What a wonderful legacy to pass forward.

WaterStep drop boxes are located at each of our Grief Counseling Center locations and can be dropped off anytime during regular business hours.  You can learn more about the good work of WaterStep at

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