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We know that hospice is a word feared by many across the country. But hospice care is here to provide an added layer of support for advanced illness, offering expert pain and symptom management and giving loved one’s peace of mind and respite.

Deciding when to bring in hospice care is a difficult decision to make. However, calling hospice earlier in your advanced illness journey ensures you and your loved ones get the most out of life at every stage. It’s not always easy to recognize when you need hospice care, but it’s important to know the signs so you and your loved one can receive help.

Hospice care typically begins when a patient’s doctor determines their life expectancy is six months or less if the illness follows its usual path. However, it’s important to know that anyone can make a referral for a loved one if they notice any of the following signs:

More help needed with daily living activities. This includes eating, bathing, or getting dressed.

Decrease in appetite. They aren’t eating as much as they used to and begin to lose weight because their bodies can’t digest food properly.

Increased hospitalizations and ER visits. These typically occur due to declining or poorly managed health issues. Hosparus Health’s hospice services have been proven to reduce hospitalizations because of our expert pain and symptom management wherever patients call home.

Sleeping most of the time. Individuals may spend most of their time resting in a chair or bed.

Becoming restless or confused. They may experience episodes of confusion or hallucinations where they aren’t sure exactly where they are, or they imagine things that aren’t really happening.

Illness seems worse, or pain is difficult to manage. When visiting the person, either their pain or their illness symptoms may seem worse or unmanageable without additional help such as calling a physician.

Hospice care does not mean you are giving up, but rather it helps you and your loved ones get the most out of life and create more moments together. It can also prevent the overwhelming stress you may feel trying to take on the responsibility of caregiving yourself.

When you are ready to choose hospice, we’re here for you. Call us at 800-HOSPICE or contact us online to start creating more moments today.

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